Wednesday Nights at Springhill

On Wednesday nights at Springhill, our main focus is discipleship!  We want to be intentional about walking alongside one another, encouraging one another, and studying the Word of God together.  It’s a time where we prioritize spiritual growth and foster community through shared learning and support.  We invite you to join us in this enriching journey!

-Below are opportunites for dicipleship on Wednesday nights at Springhill.

Adult Discipleship



A year through the Psalms

This year at Springhill, we have committed ourselves to read through the Psalms. The Psalms are important because they offer profound insights into the human experience, encompassing a wide range of emotions from joy and gratitude to sorrow and lamentation. They provide comfort and solace in times of trouble, offering words of hope and encouragement that resonate across cultures and generations. Additionally, the Psalms serve as a guide for prayer, showing us how to communicate honestly and authentically with God. They offer a rich tapestry of poetic language and imagery, deepening our understanding of God’s character and our relationship with Him. Ultimately, the Psalms remind us of the power of worship and praise, inviting us to express our adoration and awe to our Creator.

Please join us on Wednesday night at 6 pm in the training center as we study the Psalms together.

Youth Discipleship



Intentional Time Spent

When we gather we aim to encourage students with the gospel message.  Our goals of discipleship are to see the truth of the gospel to go deeper and wider in the lives of students.  Deeper, as they reckon with the grace of Christ in their lives and as they understand the significance of His love for them.  Wider, as they internalize the gospel and consequently externalize it by sharing it with their friends and family in deed and in word.  Our discipleship opportunities occur in relationships we form, and our times of gathering are intended to build that relationship both through fun activities, worship, and through Bible study.  Our Wednesday meetings intentionally aim to encourage students to reinforce their identity in Christ in the middle of their school week.  And our Sunday school is intended to promote fellowship and conversation about the Word on a weekly basis as a way to begin our weeks with truth and grace. 

Please join us on Wednesday night at 6 pm in the Multi-Minsity building as we study God’s word together.