New to Springfield? Planning to come for the first time? Already been here a little while? Looking for a next step? Wherever you’re starting – we’ll meet you right there.


8:30 am Worship service

9:45 am Join us for small group Bible study for all ages

11:00 am Worship service


6:00 pm Youth service

6:00 pm Adult prayer meeting and Bible study


Springhill Baptist Church, 7370 N Farm Road 159, Springfield, MO 65803 (417) 833-5751

What to Expect


As we gather together, our hope is that you will experience the presence of God through the reading of Scripture, worship, and prayer. We want to be an encouragement to you and share about the hope we have in Jesus Christ.

JOHN 13:34-35

The Lord has blessed us as a group of people who love Christ and love one another.  Our ages span from newborns to those who have retired, and every generation between.  We come from different backgrounds and live in the different communities surrounding the church.  Some of the individuals and families we serve are from Springfield, Fair Grove, Pleasant Hope, Willard, and Bolivar.

Sunday Morning Worship

On average, our worship services are about 70 minutes in length.  We begin our time together in worship with theologically accurate songs from all generations, led by musicians on guitars, drums, and piano.  We have a focused time of prayer and a time for giving.  Then we hear the Word of the Lord preached, holding tight to the context and truth of the passage, while being encouraged to apply these truths to our daily lives.  You are welcome to participate as you feel comfortable.   

Sunday Morning Bible Studies

At 9:45 am on Sunday mornings, we have discipleship opportunities available for all ages, from newborn to adult. We have developmentally appropriate classes for kids and youth. For adults, we offer multiple classes, including a college class, ladies’ class and various classes designed for any adult. As you enter, the greeters are there to help you get to where you would like to go.

Plan Your Visit


You may enter our parking lots from either Farm Rd 159 or Hwy WW. The building’s main entrance faces south, with a large drive-through portico. We have designated guest parking and handicap parking on either side of the main entrance.

As you enter through the main entrance, you will see the sanctuary in front of you, and our restrooms are to the right for your convenience. In the foyer, you will be greeted by some of our church family. As our guest, we have a gift for you. We are here to assist you and answer any questions you may have.

What to Wear

We are blessed with a friendly and relaxed environment.  Feel free to wear what is comfortable for you.  Whatever you wear, there will be someone dressed similarly to you. 

What to Bring

You do not need to bring anything in order to be our guest.  We will have coffee and water available when you arrive.  To have access to Scripture, you are welcome to use your phone, or we have physical Bibles just inside the doors of the sanctuary for you to use.


The Lord has blessed us as a group of people who love Christ and love one another.  Our ages span from newborns to those who have retired, and every generation between.  We come from different backgrounds and live in the different communities surrounding the church.  Some of the individuals and families we serve are from Springfield, Fair Grove, Pleasant Hope, Willard, and Bolivar. 

We’ve been blessed with a very diverse age range.  Recently our attendance was: 

    • 30% Birth-17 
    • 21% 18-30
    • 28% 31-50
    • 21% 51 and above

We gladly welcome your entire family into our services. It is a joy to have children of all ages and abilities join us for worship. At the same time, we also offer developmentally appropriate teaching and discipleship opportunities in Kids Ministry. Check out the Springhill Kids ministry page for more details.

Safety is a priority for our children and youth. We use KidCheck, a secure check-in system for our newborns to 6th grade kids. In addition, each of our ministry leaders and volunteers have completed a criminal background check.

Time/Length of Visit

Sunday Mornings:

  • 8:30 am –  The worship service is typically around 70 minutes in length. 
  • 9:45 am –  Bible studies tend to last around an hour.
  • 11:00 am –  The worship service is typically around 70 minutes in length. 

Wednesday Nights:

  • 6:00 pm – Bible study & prayer time is around an hour in length.
  • 6:00 pm – Youth Group typically lasts until 7:30.

At Springhill, we come together and worship the Lord through music each week. The purpose of this time is to worship and edify our Savior Jesus Christ. Our worship team uses their gifts on piano, drums and guitars to lead us to worship through hymns of old as well as newer songs which are written to bring glory and honor to God.

History of Springhill

The church began just north of our current location in 1908 after a brush arbor revival where God moved powerfully and 55 individuals were saved. For more than 100 years our church has been proclaiming the same message of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ. After the original building was destroyed by arson fire in 1993, we built our current location.

    Campus Map

    Guest Services

    We desire to meet the needs of each guest.  Whether you need some caffeine when you walk through the door or need a little more out of the box environment for you or your family, we desire to serve you. 


    We have free coffee and water available before services. They are available in the welcome area in our foyer as well as in our coffee house located west of the sanctuary.

    Prayer Room:

    Off of the foyer, we have a small prayer room. You are welcome to use this space for prayer at any time. If you need someone to pray with you, ask one of our greeters, and they will connect you with someone who can pray with you.

    Guest & Handicap Parking: 

    We have reserved a few parking spaces on each side of our entrance for our guests. We also have reserved parking for those who are in need of accessible parking.

    Cry Room:

    Babies are a blessing. We never want you to feel as though you must step out of service, but if you feel the need to, we have a small room at the back of the sanctuary for you and your little one. You can still see the service through the windows and there are some chairs, a few comfort items and a speaker so you can hear the service. The room also joins the ladies’ restroom for your convenience.

    Mother’s Room:

    We have a quiet, comfortable room for mom and baby to relax in. The room includes comfortable seating, rocking chairs, and a changing table. There is a speaker in the room so you can hear the service. The room also adjoins the ladies’ restroom for your convenience.

    Live Feed:

    We run our live video feed to two different spaces in the church. The first is the foyer. The second is our training center which is located behind the sanctuary. The space includes tables and chairs and is a larger room which may fit your flexible needs during our worship services.

    Contact SPRINGHILL

    If you have any questions or there is any way that we can serve you, please fill out this form and we will reach out to you.


    Contact us

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