Real People – Real Conversations – Real Connections

How we Gather

At Springhill, we offer various opportunities for gathering in small group settings. From our Sunday morning Bible study classes held at the church to our Life Groups primarily meeting in homes, there are options to suit different preferences. Additionally, we host separate men’s and women’s Bible studies at different times throughout the year.

In each setting and group, our overarching aim remains consistent: to elevate the importance of God’s Word and to cultivate environments where individuals can both deepen their understanding of Scripture and form meaningful connections with others. Whether in a large class setting or a more intimate home group, our desire is for everyone to experience a sense of belonging and mutual support as they journey together in faith.

Life Groups

Living Life Together: Sharing, Supporting, Growing

Life Groups at Springhill

The early church was more than just a congregation; they were a community.  They lived, prayed, cried, rejoiced, and supported one another.  That’s why we encourage you to join a Life Group, where deeper Christian relationships are cultivated at Springhill.  In a Life Group, you’ll connect with fellow believers, walking alongside each other through life’s highs and lows.  Our prayer is that your Life Group experience will enrich your relationship with God!

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”                  -Hebrews 10:24

Life Groups gather weekly or bi-monthly in homes or other comfortable settings.  Meetings often involve sharing meals, socializing, and praying together.  But they also delve into tough questions, study Scripture, and seek to apply sermons to real-life situations.  And beyond formal gatherings, we hope Life Group members will invest in each other daily, fostering a supportive community that extends beyond meeting times.

Sunday morning Bible Studies

Sundays Made Meaningful: Explore, Learn, Grow with Us

Our Sunday Bible Studies

Our mission is to be faithful in every field.  And, one of the best ways to accomplish this mission is to walk through the Bible together.  Scripture is our source for truth and wisdom, and when we study it together, we grow closer to God and to one another.  So, we have a regular time of Bible study every Sunday at 9 am.  Each class is different, but you can expect a conversational environment led by a teacher who pours his or her heart into sharing God’s Word.  Our classes study everything from books of the Bible, theological themes, and Biblical characters to practical wisdom for parenting, relationships, and other areas of life.  For those new to Springhill, our Sunday morning Bible study classes are one of the most convenient ways to get connected with like-minded believers.  If you need help choosing a class, feel free to contact a staff member or ask for help at our Welcome Center located just inside the doors under the awning.

Find Your Small Group

We’re committed to assisting you in finding a small group that suits your needs and season of life!  Once you’ve completed this form, one of our dedicated leaders will reach out to you.  Your journey towards deeper community and spiritual growth starts here!

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