Abundant Generosity

In Acts chapter 4 we see that the Church has an abundance of generosity. What should that look like for us? Pastors Jared addresses this as we continue our study through the book of Acts.

It is Finished

It is Finished. As familiar as this statement might be, what is the significance? In this Easter message,  Pastor Jared explains the magnitude and weight of the work being finished!

A Return to Prayer

In Acts chapter 4 we see the Church spending intentional time in prayer. At Springhill, we desire to have the same intentionality and dependence upon prayer. This service is fully devoted to just that. Please join us as we join together in corporate prayer!

The Place Was Shaken

In Acts 4:23-31 as the believers prayed the Lord shook the place, they were in! In this sermon Pastor, Jared talks about the significance of this act. Challenging the church to be a people of prayer.

The People God Uses

What are the types of people that God chooses? Pastor Jared Proctor looks to Acts 4:1-22 for the answer to this question. May the Lord bless you as you listen to these truths.

Faithful Affections

In this sermon Pastor Jared explains the parable of the ten bridesmaids found in Matthew 25:1-13. In this parable, we see that like the bridesmaids we must live our lives prepared and ready for the Father’s return. I order for us to live our lives in this way we must have a genuine love for…

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The Message and the Mission

In Matthew 24:13 We see that the message of God and His mission will never fail. In this sermon Pastor Jared explains how this truth should propel us towards obedience and proclaiming the name of the Father to those around us!

Reading the Signs of Times

This week we are looking at the incarnation of Jesus. Incarnation simply means that God became flesh, that God assumed a human nature and became a man in the form of Jesus. Please listen as Pastor Jared explains how powerful this truth is!

Mighty God

In this sermon series, we are asking one big question. Are we being faithful? Please listen as Pastor Jared begins examining this question, by looking at the signs given by Jesus of the end times. This week he is teaching from Matthew 24:1-14.