Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10

Reconciliation vs. Judgement

Pastor Jared explores the implications of the story of the adulteress woman in John 8 for the people of God.

Has God Forgotten Us?

In this sermon, Pastor Elijah explores the lament of Asaph in Psalm 77 and how Christians today must confront and wrestle with the same painful questions that he posed so long ago.



Nick Whistance presents a sermon in-view-of-a-call about the nature of discipleship as found in Deuteronomy 6.


Discerning God’s Will

In his farewell sermon, Pastor Jon Foster talks about discerning God's will and the practical advice that James, the brother of Jesus, has to give.


As a Church, We Are Family

In this sermon Pastor Matt lead us to look and understand the truth of Galatians 3:26-29. We are to understand if we are found in Christ we are all family members. Pastor Matt explains why this is vital for the church and for our own spiritual health!


Jesus Defines His Ministry

In this sermon pastor Nick looks at Jesus' early ministry in Mark 1:21-45. We see the unique ways God uses Jesus' ministry to advance His Kingdom here on earth. And answers why that is important to us as a Church and as believers.


2nd Thessalonians 1:1-12

In this sermon guest speaker Nathan Shank teaches from 2nd Thessalonians 1:1-12. Nathan challenges us take an honest look at the reality of eternity. If we believe the scriptures to be true, Hell being a real place, how should that effect the way we live out our lives?


No Place Left

In Romans 15:23 Paul makes a very powerful observation about his ministry. After 15 years of Gospel work in a large geographic area inhabiting 20-25 million people. Paul was able to say that there was "no place left" for him in this area. How was he able to say this? What would it take for us today to be able to say the same thing in our own lives?


The Centrality of the Gospel

In this sermon Micheal Nall preaches from 1st Corinthians 15:1-11. He address a major issue we see today in our culture. The issue of nominal Christianity. Micheal allows this passage to shine light on this matter.


The Holy Spirit Speaks

In this Sermon Pastor Jared explains every time in the book of Acts where we see the Holy Spirit speaking. (Both directly and indirectly) In these instances Jared calls us to be thankful for the Holy Spirit's continued work in our lives and the lives of individuals all over the world.

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