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How long are services?
We strive to meet for 70 minutes each week. Some weeks are bit shorter, and some are slightly longer. But, we always promise to be good stewards of our time.
Are you affiliated with a denomination?
Yes. We are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. Not every Southern Baptist church is the same, but we hold several key beliefs in common. Check out our beliefs page for more information.
What do I wear?
We are more concerned with your heart than your clothing. Obviously, we hope we don’t distract with our clothing, but you will experience great freedom at Springhill. The pastors often preach wearing jeans and t-shirts, but we might dress more formally as well.
Will you hound me if I attend and give you information about myself?
No! We will send you a card and a letter. Honestly, we simply want to encourage you, answer any questions, and help you establish yourself in whatever church God calls you to. You will never experience high-pressure pitches to stay at Springhill. We strive to be Kingdom focused, not build our own kingdom.
When was Springhill established?
The church began just North of our current location in 1908. When the building was destroyed by arson fire in 1993, we built in our current location.
What are the age demographics of Springhill?
0-18 make up 31% 18-30 make up 18% 31-50 make up 31% 51 and above make up 20%.