John 12:20-26 || Near Death Experiences || Jared Proctor

Happy Easter from Springhill! Join us as we celebrate our Savior’s resurrection! In this sermon Pastor Jared reflects on personal near death experiences, Christ’s real death experience, and the frightening reality of our many near spiritual death experiences.

Acts 18:9-17 || I Have Many in this City || Jared Proctor

In this message, we observe the book of Acts again, and the spread of the early church, particularly the way that many believers were being added to their numbers and the way the Lord ordained the work. Today the Lord has continued to prepare the work before us as we share the gospel today.

Acts 18:1-8 || Answer the Call || Jared Proctor

In this sermon we look at the various responses to God’s call found in the lives of the early church as recorded in scripture. We consider how we can apply the words in our lives and embody a willingness to answer the call of God on our lives.

1st & 2nd Thessalonians || The King is Coming…So What? || Jared Proctor

Join us for a thought-provoking sermon series called ‘The King is Coming,’ where we’ll dig into the Book of Thessalonians to understand what it really means for Christ to return. Discover why it’s important to be ready for His coming and how sharing the message of salvation can make a real difference in our lives.

Luke 18 || Persistent Prayer || Jared Proctor

Join us as we hear about our prayer initiative for 2024 based on Luke 18, which tells the story of a powerless widow and an unrighteous judge. The widow is relentless in getting justice from the judge, demonstrating the power of persistent prayer. We look forward to praying for 3 people, for 3 months for…

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